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Tennessee’s lakes, rivers and streams are ideal for fishing, and the state stocks a number of locations with trout. Lakes, rivers and streams around The River Club provide ample opportunities for both spin and fly fishing. Below is just a little information to entice you to grab your spin or fly rod and take advantage of our Free Trip.

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[su_document url=”http://fisheries.tamu.edu/files/2013/09/Tennessee-Fish-Species.pdf”]


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Senyo fly fishing for brook trout



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Tailwater Trout

Rivers below dams are commonly referred to as tailwaters or tailraces. Many hydropower and flood control dams operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers release cold water into the tailwaters. The cold water eliminated the habitat for native fishes, so the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and TWRA stock trout to provide a fishery. These fisheries are maintained by stocking adult trout from spring through fall with most of the fish being stocked during the spring and summer. Fingerling trout are also stocked at many of the tailwaters. Fishing Tennessee’s tailwaters provides a great opportunities to catch lots of trout and big trout.


Sparta, TN

The River Club is located in idyllic Middle Tennessee. It is in a quiet, rural location that is an easy drive from Nashville.

© The River Club 2025. All rights reserved