Checklist for organizing your bedroom

Organization can be a challenge for many people. The problem is that the more you need to get your house organized, the harder it is to get motivated. Just thinking about trying to rein in years (or even decades) worth of objects can seem so overwhelming that many just turn on the TV, or grab a good book, and give up. So we’ve decided to make it easy for you. Over the next month, this blog will be devoted to helping you get organized. We’re going to go room by room, and give you a checklist of things to do. If you’re really motivated you can try and get through each list in a weekend. If you are feeling intimidated, set yourself very easy, attainable goals. For example you can try and do one list item each weekend. Like anything else, the most important way to get, and stay, organized is to be consistent.

The Bedroom



We’re going to start with the bedroom. We think you should turn this room into your private sanctuary. It’s the one room in your house where you can retreat from guests, or even other family members. It should be a place you welcome returning to at the end of the day, and makes you happy when you wake in the morning. The following checklist will help you have a beautiful, peaceful private refuge.

1.Make sure you love all your sheets- If you’re living a healthy, balanced life, you will end up spending about a third of your life in bed. Moreover, if you and your spouse lead busy lives, this is most likely the place where you spend the majority of your time together. Therefore, make it comfortable for the sake of both your own peace of mind and your relationship. Go through your linen closet and throw out any sheets that you don’t love or, as Marie Kondo says, that don’t “spark joy.” Do the same for blankets, pillows, duvets, etc.


2. Make your bed- If you do only one thing, get in the habit of making your bed every morning. It not only makes your bedroom comfortable and inviting, but it keeps your sheets clean (especially if you have pets or small children in your home) and organized. You sleep better if you make your bed every day. Don’t believe us? Try it for a week. If making your bed frustrates you, it’s possible you don’t know how to do it. Click here to see common mistakes to avoid when making your bed.

3. Clear out the clutter beneath your bed- Ideally, it’s best not to store anything underneath your bed. If you must, make sure that everything is well organized in purpose built storage boxes. We love flat one that have wheels (unless you have wall-to-wall carpet in your bedroom). What we don’t recommend is covered storage underneath your bed. Covers are unecessary if the boxes are under your bed, and removing them makes it difficult to retrieve the ítems.

under bed storage

4. Discard of unwanted clothes in your closet and drawers- We really like Marie Kondo’s Kon Mari technique of de-cluttering. Her philosophy is that most people have too many things. So instead of investing in a lot of expensive storage containers, start by getting rid of unwanted, unloved and unused items. Here’s a checklist within a checklist to help you de-clutter:

  • Take everything out and put it on the floor. If you have clothes stored in other rooms (the laundry room, the basement) go get them and throw them on the floor too.
  • Hold each item and ask yourself if it “sparks joy.”
  • Throw or give away any item that does not spark joy.

5. Find a place for every piece of clothing or accessory- If you cannot find a designated place for an ítem, chances are it will continue to clutter up your home. Not having a designated place for items is the main thing that leads to disorganization and, eventully, chaos in your home.


6. Make sure you have matching nightstands- Nothing makes a bedroom seem more cluttered than mis-matched nightstands. In fact, matching nightstands are so important that the Asian decorating technique known as Feng Shui considers matching nightstands essential for a harmonious relationship.

7. De-clutter your nightstands- Do the same thing you did with your clothes: take everything out of your nightstands and put it on the floor. Anything that you do no use at least once per week should be put in another room. Having a giant pile of books only distracts you and adds clutter. Just keep the ones you and your spouse are currently reading in your bedroom and move the rest to a bookshelf in another room.

8. Organize the tops of your dressers and nightstands- Get rid of anything that isn’t useful or decorative. A nice trick is to combine the two functions. Use pretty boxes or dishes to hold loose coins or even your jewelery. You can even hang beautiful necklaces to keep them tangle free and decorate your wall.


9. Invest in beautiful hooks for your walls- Having a hook next to the bed for both you and your spouse makes it very easy to resist the temptation of throwing clothes or towels on the floor.

10. Paint- Having dirty walls is one of the main things that makes a room seem dirty or disorganized. Once your bedroom is clutter free and organized, show it off with a fresh coat of paint. We recommend light, natural colors for the bedroom: they are restful and serene.

color palette

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