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Top 10 Home Design Trends in 2016

Since the River Club will be at The Homebuilder’s Association of Cumberland County’s 2016 Home Show this weekend, we decided to dedicate this week’s blog post to the latest design trends. We combed design magazines, blogs, Pinterest and physical stores to find the latest and greatest. 1. Panatone Pink Quartz+Serenity- Pantone is the world-wide authority...

Cozy winter decorating ideas

This week we all asked the question: will spring come early? All eyes (mine included) were on Punxsutawney Phil. The good news is that he didn’t see his shadow! So theoretically, spring will come early this year. The bad news is that through the years, Phil has only been accurate 39% of the time. Doing...
Sparta, TN

The River Club is located in idyllic Middle Tennessee. It is in a quiet, rural location that is an easy drive from Nashville.

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